A Van Awesome Journey

Hi thanks for finding my blog! I am a wife of an awesome husband and proud mother to two amazing boys. I just quit my job to stay at home with our children and now have all the time in the world to play play play!!! Play with my children and play some games of my own...hence this blog. I entered a contest to be part of an Adventure Race something I have never done before. So I am required to blog weekly on my journey...so here goes..thanks for sharing it with me :).................So what has started out as a blog for reasons mentioned above has now continued into an on going journey that I have been asked to continue to share...and you with me! So thanks for coming along for the ride :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Then/Now the pregnant edition :)

I must say this has been another interesting journey this whole being pregnant and still being healthy and active. If there is one main thing I have learned that I want to pass on, that is that you don't have to let your body be taking over totally and that pregnant woman can be active through the whole pregnancy. Now that 'being active' looks different as you go along and will change, but from the start my goal was to stay in motion :)
So here is the now for 2 months (I didn't have any 2 month ones from before) I was very fortunate that I didn't have morning sickness or felt sick at all. I would just get REALLY dumb tired in the afternoon. So as long as I made sure I had a nap I was good to go train in the evening. Differences that I noticed was that I would have to stop sooner or couldn't go as fast as I needed to stop to catch my breath....I also would stop before I needed to, I stopped pushing it at this point and made sure that I didn't get to hot :)
Here is the 4 month one. The runs were becoming walks at this point. Sometimes I'd go for a run and could run the whole way other times I had to walk...I just went with my how my body was feeling. I did start to find some other low impact things to do. Like climbing the stairs! Normally I do it 4x I was only able to do it 3x and I was slow but I always felt great after I did it and I was keeping up my goal of 'staying in motion!' I would also head to the gym to swim/bike and go on the cross trainer. I found the days that I got some exercise I felt less 'pregnant' LOL!
Here is the 6 month ones. I was finding anyway I could to get outside and move. LOVED the day the family walked around Crawford Lake on the board walk. It was awesome when my son said, "Can we go back around the other way?!" I was able to say "yes!" and go with them :) We were out there for over 2hrs...stopping to have snacks of course! ***** Now comes in the really life and I'm not going to lie. From the 6 month mark to almost 8 months I had a hard time. The weather had changed and I couldn't walk outside anymore, due to it being SO cold and icy and snowy. It was also Christmas and everywhere you go there was 'treats' out. I didn't come up with a plan to do something else since I wasn't going outside anymore. I also stopped going to the gym cause I just couldn't handle everyone staring at me, and the normal workouts I was doing was starting to take too much out of me. Then the monster pregnant cravings for sweets kicked in EKK!!! One night I ate 3 brownies while I was making dinner!!! :O AND at the doctors she was surprised to see that my weight had gone up 10 lbs in 4 weeks!....but then at the next doctors visit 4 weeks after that I had gone up another 12 lbs!....but what is more important then the numbers is that I was feeling it :(....I was getting sore and achey and not moving very much. I got into a groove of asking others to do things for me so I didn't have to go up the stairs or walk over to some where etc....I was NOT feeling awesome :( SO I got my shit together! I committed to a group of ladies to meet them at the mall Sunday mornings and do mall walking with them. It was a little hard the first time because I hadn't moved in awhile but afterwards I felt good about doing something healthy for my body again and I was proud of myself....so I got a little taste of the awesome again and I was off!!!!!
So here is the 8 month one. This is me out walking with the boys as they ride their bikes (Hubby came to). It was a very warm day in Jan and I was in the mind frame of moving again so I said, "OK family come outside and join Mommy for her walk!" We were out there for 45min at least :) Since that first Sunday mall walk I now go out and walk pretty much everyday. Instead of leaving to get the boys off the bus for 3pm I leave at 2:40pm instead and walk up and down the streets until the bus comes. This makes such a difference in how my body feels!! My tail bone doesn't hurt me, my hips don't hurt me and I am back to going up and down the stairs to get things myself again. My last doctors appointment showed that I have lost 5 lbs! Don't worry people this was not baby weight I lost it was the extra ass weight that I had gained.....but most importantly it just shows that I have made some good changes to the path I was starting to go down. I have the food back in order again. I spent a day prepping healthy homemade muffins, oatmeal snacks and peanut butter energy balls, as well as freezing a bunch of fruit and yogurt to be ready for some whey protein smoothies :) So Mama awesome is back!!!! :-D and really grateful for the lessons that I have learned along the way. Now I am gearing up with the head coach of Mommy's/Babe's in Motion to start our Triathlon training in the spring. I am due on March 7/13......come on out baby awesome!!!! Tri season is starting soon!!!!! LOL! 'Live in YOUR Awesome!'